
I'm not usually one to comment, preferring to silently lurk (while greatly enjoying your writing and recipes) — but, after reading today’s newsletter, I just had to reach out to thank you for the previous newsletter and the som tam recipe. It brought warm memories of Thailand, greatly welcome in the midst of some personal darkness. And, while I did not immediately run out to purchase green papaya to make the salad myself, I did instantly crave it. (And, soon ordered a double batch from the little Thai bakery that makes a few home-style dishes weekly.) So, while your chicken pot pie is no doubt amazing and comforting, it was the som tam that I needed just then. Thank you.

(And, yes, you did make it seem quite doable — and will inspire and remind me to prepare more of my favourite Thai salads at home soon.)

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Yummm! I was *just* thinking about how I hadn't made chicken pot pie in forever.

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Oh no, please don't stop providing diverse recipes and commentary. It isn't that I (personally) am not interest in papaya salad, I am! Last week I was sooo busy with work, snowstorms, and life in general. I'll be clicking on the papaya salad and getting the ingredients this week. Just say'n. Thank you for the wonderful newsletter and podcast (What's Burning)!! Keep up the good work.

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